Samen für urbane Gärten, Carrot Paris Market

3,90 €
3,90 €
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit max. 5 Tage

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    Lieferzeit max. 5 Tage
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Samen für urbane Gärten – Piccolo

2012 gründete sich Piccolo, um Samen für den Topf anzubieten, kompakte und kleinwüchsige Varianten für Balkon und Terrasse. Gemüse, Kräuter, Bienen freundliche Blumen, Kollektionen für die nächste Tomatensauce oder den nächsten Cocktail. Alles verpackt in recycelbaren Materialien. Happy Gardening!

Piccolo has been curating the perfect small and dwarf plants for pots, balconies and terraces since 2012. Bee-friendly flowers, the right mix for a pasta sauce or even herbs for a cocktail. And all in recyclable packaging. Happy urban gardening!


The Paris Market carrot, also known as Tonda di Parigi or Marché de Paris, is a round heirloom variety from the 19th century. This ancient French root vegetable is actually perfect for contemporary needs: it does well where other carrots would struggle – for example in shallow, clay-rich or rocky soil. Even better, as the carrots grow just 5 cm in diameter, they’re a perfect choice for containers. What these small carrots lack in size, they make up for in flavour – they are deliciously tender, bite-sized, and extra sweet, with very smooth skin. They are a fantastic market seller and are very popular with kids because of their ping-pong-ball shape. They’re also a favourite with gourmet chefs, and you’re bound to love the sweetness of this old Parisian, too!

Daucus carota


Paris Market

500 seeds

Height 20 cm
Width 10 cm

Height 20 cm
Width 30 cm

Tomatoes, lettuces, parsley, onions, garlic chives, nasturtium.