Samen für urbane Gärten, Coriander Thüringer

3,90 €
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Samen für urbane Gärten – Piccolo

2012 gründete sich Piccolo, um Samen für den Topf anzubieten, kompakte und kleinwüchsige Varianten für Balkon und Terrasse. Gemüse, Kräuter, Bienen freundliche Blumen, Kollektionen für die nächste Tomatensauce oder den nächsten Cocktail. Alles verpackt in recycelbaren Materialien. Happy Gardening!

Piccolo has been curating the perfect small and dwarf plants for pots, balconies and terraces since 2012. Bee-friendly flowers, the right mix for a pasta sauce or even herbs for a cocktail. And all in recyclable packaging. Happy urban gardening!


Did you know that cilantro and coriander are one and the same plant? Well, sort of. Cilantro refers to the leaves of the plant, whereas coriander refers to the plant’s tiny, round seeds. Like the names, the tastes are also different: dried coriander seeds are used roasted and ground to give a strong flavour to pickles and seasoning, whereas fresh coriander leaves are delicate and lacy, imparting a unique aroma – which some people love, some people hate. Cilantro’s history can be traced back to the Middle East; then, the Romans brought it to Europe, where it was considered a fairly exotic spice. Thüringer is an old, German traditional variety with good seed production.