Samen für urbane Gärten, Tomato Thai Pink Egg

3,90 €
3,90 €
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Samen für urbane Gärten – Piccolo

2012 gründete sich Piccolo, um Samen für den Topf anzubieten, kompakte und kleinwüchsige Varianten für Balkon und Terrasse. Gemüse, Kräuter, Bienen freundliche Blumen, Kollektionen für die nächste Tomatensauce oder den nächsten Cocktail. Alles verpackt in recycelbaren Materialien. Happy Gardening!

Piccolo has been curating the perfect small and dwarf plants for pots, balconies and terraces since 2012. Bee-friendly flowers, the right mix for a pasta sauce or even herbs for a cocktail. And all in recyclable packaging. Happy urban gardening!


Thai Pink Egg is one of the most beautiful tomatoes cultivated today. As its name implies, it has smooth, pink-red skin and is shaped like an egg. Hailing from Thailand, it is a variety from the Southeast-Asian grape tomato family (characterised by a plum-like shape, thicker skin and higher sugar content than standard tomatoes). The variety seems to have been popularised after Nichols Garden Nursery in the U.S.A. began to stock it in 1997. Since then, its beautiful and delicious fruits have spread across the globe, being found at farmer’s markets and in gourmet restaurants far and wide. If you go to Thailand, don’t forget to ask for kanchanaburi, which is not only the name of a Thai province, but also the local name for this tomato.

Solanum lycopersicum


Thai Pink Egg

250 seeds

Height 90 cm
Width 45 cm

Height 30 cm
Width 30 cm

Basils, nasturtium, okra, garlic chives, borage, mints.