Samen für urbane Gärten, Yarrow Colorado Mix

3,90 €
3,90 €
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Lieferzeit max. 5 Tage

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Samen für urbane Gärten – Piccolo

2012 gründete sich Piccolo, um Samen für den Topf anzubieten, kompakte und kleinwüchsige Varianten für Balkon und Terrasse. Gemüse, Kräuter, Bienen freundliche Blumen, Kollektionen für die nächste Tomatensauce oder den nächsten Cocktail. Alles verpackt in recycelbaren Materialien. Happy Gardening!

Piccolo has been curating the perfect small and dwarf plants for pots, balconies and terraces since 2012. Bee-friendly flowers, the right mix for a pasta sauce or even herbs for a cocktail. And all in recyclable packaging. Happy urban gardening!


Yarrow is a plant with many names, testifying to its importance in traditional medicine throughout history. A few of its names include soldier’s woundwort, yarrow and Achillea, after the mythical Greek hero Achilles, who carried it with him to treat battle wounds in his army. In addition to its healing properties, yarrow is a source of food for many species of insects and birds and provides the perfect resting place for travelling butterflies. It is definitely a must-have perennial for any butterfly garden. The Colorado Mix variety is a mixture of blood red, cerise, cream, yellow and white coloured flowers, inspired by the colours of the Grand Canyon and the rivers of Colorado.