Blackwing Pencil Extender

20,00 €
20,00 €
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Lieferzeit max. 6 Tage

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Das Model 602 wurde in den 30er Jahren von Eberhardt Faber ins Leben gerufen. Leider wurde die Produktion betriebsbedingt 1998 eingestellt. Palomino stellt nun diesen Klassiker, mit dem bereits John Steinbeck geschrieben und Chuck Jones Bugs Bunny entworfen hat, wieder her aus kalifornischem Zedernholz und japanischem premium Graphit.

The model 602 was brought into this world in the ‘30s by Eberhardt Faber and was used by John Steinbeck and Bugs Bunny creator. After production was halted in 1998, Palmino decided to revive the classic – made from Californian Cedar and Japanese graphite.

Details Pencil Extender:

Breathe new life into those nubs you've been saving and prolong the lifespan of your Blackwings with the Blackwing Pencil Extender. The simple design allows the extender to slide into the clip of the existing Blackwing ferrule and will work with any Blackwing pencil model.

Each extender is made with machined aluminum and features a firm rubber tip to ensure a snug fit.

How to use:

1. Remove the eraser from your Blackwing pencil.

2. Insert the wide end of the Blackwing Pencil Extender into the clip and reinsert the clip into the ferrule.

3. Enjoy your extended Blackwing pencil!