Lieferung & Versand
Takuhiro Shinomoto aus Venice in Californien verbindet modernes Design mit 400 Jähriger, japanischer Porzellantradition aus Hasami in der Nagasaki Präfektur. Weiche, rohe und natürliche Oberflächen frei kombinierbar. Ob Behälter, Schale, Teller, Tablett oder Deckel. Simpel, zeitlos und funktional für den täglichen Gebrauch oder für besondere Anlässe, für immer.
Venice, California’s Takuhiro Shinomoto combines modern design with Hasami, Japan’s 400 years of porcelain tradition. Soft, raw, natural surfaces that can easily be combined. Cup, bowl, plate, tray or even a lid – timeless and functional for ever.
About Hasami Porcelain:
The color variations of each piece of the natural black and gray color Hasami Porcelain TM series are considered normal and is not of second quality nor are they defective. Every piece is one-of-a-kind and has the character and uniqueness of hand-made quality porcelain.
The unique mixture of raw materials used to produce Hasami Porcelain TM is all the same. The primary cause of the color distortion is the extreme heat reaction of the glaze during the firing in the kiln. The degree of coloring can vary with each item and can become darker or lighter, orange-ish, or green-ish in shade.
Variances in colors can sometimes be seen within the same batch depending on where inside the kiln the mugs, cups, bowls are placed.
This is why it is so difficult to make Hasami Porcelain TM and is the primary reason no other factory will even attempt to produce them in this color glaze.
The people of Hasami have produced its porcelain wares for centuries with great pride, and will continue its quest to create products with charm, mystique, and admiration.
Please Enjoy!
Proudly Made in Hasami, Japan
- Microwave Safe
- Dishwasher Safe
- Not Safe for Oven Use
- Not to be used over an open flame