Papierkunst aus Dänemark Bird Flock

39,00 €
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Papierkunst aus Dänemark

1952 gründeten Anni und Bent Knudsen ihr Firma für dänische Papierprodukte. Bent hat schon mit 14 Jahren sein erstes Kuh Mobile aus Papier entworfen. Ihre Mobiles gewannen viele Design Preise, haben sich zu Designklassikern entwickelt und sind Sammlerstücke. Einfach und schön, dänisch eben.

Bent Knudsen made his first paper cow mobile when his was 14 and then, in 1952, he and wife Anni founded a company to sell their Danish paper products. Their mobiles have won enough design prizes to make a prize mobile and have even become design classics and collector’s items. Simple and aesthetic because: Danish.


Bird Mobile

In Denmark large flocks of starlings are called "black sun". They travel north and south of Europe, and in the spring and autumn it is a common sight in the marshlands by the coast of Denmark. It is said that one of the reasons for their changing formations is that they confuse their enemies, so they will not be able to catch them.

Give a decorative black sun mobile as a gift for any occasion. If you hang the mobile in your home it will move at the slightest blow of wind and remind you of nature's wild black sun birds. The mobile is ready to hang – and comes with a hook for you to hang the mobile.

50 x 40 cm

Design by Louise Helmersen