Samen für urbane Gärten, Calendula Erfurter

3,90 €
3,90 €
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Samen für urbane Gärten – Piccolo

2012 gründete sich Piccolo, um Samen für den Topf anzubieten, kompakte und kleinwüchsige Varianten für Balkon und Terrasse. Gemüse, Kräuter, Bienen freundliche Blumen, Kollektionen für die nächste Tomatensauce oder den nächsten Cocktail. Alles verpackt in recycelbaren Materialien. Happy Gardening!

Piccolo has been curating the perfect small and dwarf plants for pots, balconies and terraces since 2012. Bee-friendly flowers, the right mix for a pasta sauce or even herbs for a cocktail. And all in recyclable packaging. Happy urban gardening!


Erfurter Orangefarbige is a variety of calendula bred specifically for its medicinal virtues. Although the whole plant has long been used as a culinary and medicinal herb, the bright orange flowers alone are recommended for kitchen use today, since the leaves are very bitter. The flowers are mild tasting and slightly sweet, and can be used both in savoury and sweet dishes – the nickname ‘pot marigold’ comes from its popular use in the soup pot. When dried, its petals, which have been called ‘poor man’s saffron’, can be used to create a natural dye or, funnily enough, in chicken feed to make egg yolks extra vibrant!

Calendula officinalis


Erfurter Orangefarbige

45 seeds

Height 30 cm
Width 30 cm

Height 25 cm

Width 25 cm

All vegetables benefit from the presence of calendula – especially tomatoes, radishes and carrots.